Sunday, December 24, 2006 Y 2:18:00 pm MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! to those reading this. tomorrow shall be the day! hahaha. so yesterday went to town with my mama. saw quite a number of seniors. like ale's all-time-favourite, zoe, jiayi, jeremy, etc. bought nothing in the end. except my dad's supper. and my feet almost broke! cos i'm use to wearing slippers. but yesterday i wore wrapping shoes. so yeah. pain. now waiting for night time to come. cos my aunts will be back from bangkok! mean present time ! lol. Monday, December 18, 2006 Y 11:31:00 pm westlife; flying without wings. a old but meaningful song. oh yeah, to alethia, nice song there.(: no promises. interested? go to her blog. she's the disigner of my blogskin. check her out.(: kay. bye. Y 11:10:00 pm i've never felt this empty before. it's like suddenly who i sms or talk to every second of my everyday life is gone. sighs. can't blame on anything. except for his phone not being a 3G one i guess. cos korea only has 3G technology. oh wells. he'll be back anyways. 7 more days. just seven more days. be patient tys. so this morning went to school to settle some netball stuffs. with krithee, eileen, melissa and qianhui, in no order of merit.(: eileen left for sentosa after a while, qianhui and krithee left for home. leaving melissa and i. but the supplier of the poles and cages was so late. in the end melissa and i left first. before that helped mdm yehidaah with the humans boxes. they were damn heavy. were dead beat after that. after i reach home, nothing interesting happened. ate and slept. oh yah. didn't blog about this last night. my mama bought me a new adidas watch. and my didi has chicken pox. didn't know why my mama bought me a watch, but well, of course i was glad.(: about the chicken pox, hope my didi passes it to me. then i can sleep well everynight. i can't sleep after he left. sighs. guess this shall be all. till then, bye. and my love for you shall stay strong, even though we are miles apart. Sunday, December 17, 2006 Y 12:39:00 am Sighs. when i am posting this, i think he's already on the plane. suddenly i feel so empty and sad. ah wells. i should feel happy that he's going on a tour. hope he enjoy himself. i miss him... Friday, December 15, 2006 Y 11:26:00 pm YAY ! finally have the chance to blog. today was quite fun. watch "De Ja Vu" with MRnut in the afternoon. at westmall. before that went to walk around, window shop. Tom&Stefanie has a lot of baby stuffs ! hahas. the movie was quite alright... but it requires some spinning of the brain. yeah. but overall not bad. the movie lasted for 2hours7minutes. after that took bus home with MRnut. the 173 made me dizzy and felt like vomiting. but he made everything worthwhile. haha.xD after dinner, went orchard with aunts and cousins. 2 baby cousins to elaborate... they are so active... running everywhere. we didn't even have time to look around. all we did was chase after them, picking them up when they fall, pacify them when they cry. after everything we were like dead beat. sigh. but well, it was nevertheless fun.(: MRnut leaving for korea tomorrow. returning only on the 25th, christmas. hope he have fun there... i'll miss him./= oh yah and to joanne, GET BACK SOON !!!:D okay... got to go. bye.(: |
colourful me 17july1991. sixteen. jurong junior college. email: Click here if you want to leave. push the button A Whole New World - Nick Pitera. hugs & kisses ♥ 林俊杰 LIN JUN JIE. Nick Pitera!! respects Mr Lee Kuan Yew.<3 my family, friends, goldfish. cameras. handphone. taking photos. the sky, nature. blue, black, white. mrbean, patrick, stars. sour stuff, honey stars. mangoes, bananas, grapes. number seventeen. sleep, my bed. wish upon the rainbow. ear holes. more clothes. new computer/laptop. bigger eyes. (seems impossible) INHERIT MY FATHER'S D-SLR. shoot ESCAPADES my facebook my friendster afina aishah aisyah alethia aniah atiqqa bee suan charis ching er christiane eileen euminl freida geraldine poh huiyun ivy jaclyn jeraldine yeo ji xiang jian wen jie ming joanne jolene yeo jovita tang joyce tan juanita junkang koonlay limei limin liyana lynn meixuan melissa teh michelle minwei nabilah nicholas pearl peifen peiling rita ruby sarah kee serena shafinah shaun sheaujyu shenting shirlyn siti sufiah veronica vicki viviana wati weikuang wenhui wenjie wenqian wenyu xiaxue xueying xulan yanlin yilin yoga zachary zhengning zhepeng zhiying into the past ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |