Saturday, June 30, 2007 Y 11:22:00 pm scrabble competition in 8 hours time. real nervous now. don't know why. hope we can all perform well. feeling real tired. yet i can't get to sleep. oh wells. someone please calm me down. can't remember a single scrabble word. oh gosh. i'm oh-so-dead. bye. hope to bring good news in my next post. Friday, June 29, 2007 Y 8:14:00 pm results from characteristics test: " You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life.Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected.In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware, it is easy for you to fall in love... " pretty accurate. life's pretty boring recently. or rather, i forgot what happened in my life. ha. that's all then. Wednesday, June 27, 2007 Y 9:09:00 pm slept at 4am this morning and woke up at 6.50am for school. woohoo. super proud of myself. :D another round of it today? HA. was browsing through my phone messages. chanced upon the 7 pages message yuxi sent to me. think i shall share with everyone what this friend for 6yrs of mine sent me. "there is this saying, don't cry because its over; smile because it happened. don't cry because all this is over, don't cry because this relationship meets the end. the end may not necessary be an end. it can be, a beginning. smile because you had happy memories with him, and that because it takes great fate and effort for you guys to get together. because all these ended, do not be sad. but be happy because at least in this love life of yours, it happened once. you see, out lives, are just chapters, chapters of life. what you had been through is just a chapter of your life. instead of remaining stagnant, instead of remaining upset, instead of remaining stucked to this page of your life, why don't you turn to the next page? to the next chapter? true enough, it might not be as exciting or fun as the one before, but at least, its a whole new different experience, a whole new life, a whole new love. but remember this: in life, always love deeply and passionately. you might get hurt. but thats the only way to live life completely." :D i think he can be a philosopher when he grow up. he never failed to talk sense into me, when he's serious. but most of the time, he'll be talking cock. ha. thanks a lot yuxi once again. am glad to have a friend like you.(: had a long day today. should start work soon. YEAH. you know you not only play a small role in my life.
love you, may i? Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Y 8:36:00 pm 1. i think i'm going to fail english. 2. pizza hut can kick asses. 3. our school basket ballers rock. 4. watching a basketball match is so damn exciting. 5. CHEER UP MY DEAR NO;KNOW. and take great care.(: 6. fcuk you idiots. no no. JOKERS. 7. i so love wenhui. she's the only one who make me swear without feeling any pang of guilt. LMAO. :D alright, off to mug. bye amigos. (or whatever you spell it as.) Say what you want To satisfy yourself Hey But you only want what everybody else says you should want... You want - grace kelly. i don't like to be friends with her. because in her life, there's only model answers. - ME. classic? lol. Monday, June 25, 2007 Y 10:38:00 pm just finish tuition. going to start studying for tomorrow's english exam. i'm super afraid of the exam tomorrow. don't know why. hai. school today somehow sucked. forgot to bring chinese textbook. forgot to bring work. aiya don't wish to elaborate. but other than that, i'm pretty happy today.(: so glad to be able to see my friends and wonderful juniors.(: talked quite a bit today. lol. HAPPY. :D alright. private blog then off to study.(: you know i don't give a damn about your past. Saturday, June 23, 2007 Y 11:57:00 pm src carnival ended up like a baking session. but we weren't baking cookies. the sun baked us. now my whole body is as red as lobster. the games themselves, i don't wish to add on. we are just like a handful of sand. perhaps there were at times we were a little like sandy mud. i apologise for my mistakes first. sorry. walked around with eileen and limei after that. dead beat. felt a little lost and stoned at times. then home. haha first to wish sheaujyu on her birthday! :D so proud of myself. past 12 le means birthday over le. wasn't able to make it on time to be the last.): so sorry. but hope you still had a fun birthday yeah? :D I LOVE ROBERTSON! :D <333 Friday, June 22, 2007 Y 11:49:00 pm so pissed with myself today. kept saying i want to study but i just can't get started. not due to anything else but pure laziness!!! and distractions around. i can't study at home. don't ask me why. there just isn't any motivation plus no good environment for me to settle down and start studying. WHATEVER tys. wh: "*sends a rose over*"
ys: "o.o why give me rose?" wh: "because a rose reminds me of life." wh: "thorns all over but pretty to look at." classic.(: i love this 20yrs old friend of mine. :D src tomorrow. wonder if i can still play. oh wells. Thursday, June 21, 2007 Y 11:52:00 pm 1. someone please motivate me to study.
2. someone go invent a time machine please. 3. someone help me lead my life please. in the end i' m not as strong as i thought. and i hate myself for that. glad that i'm first and last to wish jo happy birthday. hope you like the present.(: glad that everything is fine again for wenhui. fight for you happiness, sun nu.(: Y 1:10:00 am HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOANNE!!!!!:D so glad to be able to make it as the first to wish her. hahaha. :D LOVE YOU GIRL! :D Wednesday, June 20, 2007 went to westmall with wenhui in the morning. ate brunch at macs with her as she haven't ate that for eons. lol. to think i'm tired of eating it. and she actually wanted to buy the shrek's ears. haha, cute little 20yrs old lady.(: after that went CCK with her to collect something. then she headed to JE to meet her friend while i went to meet eileen at commonwealth. so nice of her to wait for the train with me.(: thought we didn't do much but she brightened up my day. haha. went to meet ale and sj after that at citylink. searched for joanne's present. the outlet there didn't have the size we wanted. in the end went over to vivo. bought the stuff, walk around, eat. tried a lot of clothes. haha. so not use to shopping. (don't be alamed.) dead beat. Tuesday, June 19, 2007 had netball camp. went with eileen, limei and krithee. had a great time. played games and had bbq. think the sec 1s are so nice this year. serve the graduating seniors food and drinks while we sat down and enjoy our food. after that walked around and took photos. had the speech giving and presents presentation after a loooooooooooooooong wait. pretty funny and entertaining. especially what the B girls did. haha. we then performed back for them. think everyone enjoyed the part where sharon jumped out with a ___ in her hands. LOL. had speeches given and jo's dad sent me home after that. 1. paiseh for recognising the wrong guy.
2. i regret telling them that secret but i trust them that they'll keep it a secret still. i trust them. 3. it's their mouths, they can say what they want to say. 4. let them think the way they want to think. 5. stop saying chocolate hershey pie in front of me. 6. AND THANKS, BUT I DON'T Monday, June 18, 2007 Y 9:56:00 pm I MISS MY CALCULATOR.): Y 9:18:00 pm went to eileen house for breakfast this morning. was suppose to be there at around 9am but reached there at 8.30am instead. rode in my dad's car for about an hour before that. gosh, i almost vomited! rofl. saw eileen's just-woke-up-face as she opened the door. ha, so scary! look as though she was about to murder me. lmao. took a little rest while she washed up. felt a little better after the nice apple tart she offered.(: helped out a little in the preparation of the pasta! :D haha it's NICE! at first i thought it was going to be horrible for she used the corn cambell soup. i cooked that for my home economics exam 2 years ago and i threw the whole pot away. couldn't stand the smell. bad experience. ): but hey, the pasta she cooked was yummy nice! hmm.. wonder why./= had maths lesson after that. saw !@#$% during the lesson. but ha, who cares. *roll eyes* lunch at jurong east after lesson with ale, sheaujyu, jo, xy and eileen. never going to buy from that korean cuisine stall again. money cheater. *sticks tongue out* went back to commonwealth with jo and waited for kenric with her. home sweet home.(: watched campus superstar just now. M4's singing is so so nice! agree with the judges that he has to improve on his body language. BUT HEY HEY ! his voice is nice! *thumbs up* Sunday, June 17, 2007 Y 5:14:00 pm here are some photos from the class outing. Saturday, June 16, 2007 Y 10:57:00 pm changed blogskin with the aid of wenhui.(: so blue... haha. won't be troubled by the past anymore.(: oh yah. just want to add: eileen screamed while we were riding the bike. under request by someone.(: thanks wenhui once again.(: Y 4:12:00 pm went to east coast park yesterday. was raining on our way there. after the rain somehow subsided, went to cycle. chose a two-riders bicycle and had eileen as my partner. haha, had hell lots of fun! both of us haven't cycle for ages and thus, we weren't that stable. kept stopping and falling. we made a lot of tries before we finally made it. haha. we alternated in being at the front and back but most of the time i took the front seat. haha, fell once due to some lala. now having terrible muscle aches. after that we slacked around ECP. saw rainbows and eileen was so fascinated. haha. then home. :D to them:
" so that's how your friendship runs - by gossiping about others. and the others include those in your own clique too. ha, don't you think it's ironic? you guys are suppose to be a clique. and yet you gossip about people in your own clique. perhaps you're doing all these because you think we are doing the same. but hell no. we don't gossip about people like you all. and we certainly don't talk about our own friends. " to whoever-you-think-it-is: so you've finally decided to come visit my blog. after what seemed like eons. afraid that i'll blog stuff about you here? ha. Thursday, June 14, 2007 Y 7:27:00 pm had a haircut this afternoon. think it's much better than the last one i had. feel so much better after the haircut. a little happier and cheerful. not sure of the reason though. haha. and my head feel so much lighter ! LOL. but i think it somehow still looks the same. just a smaller version of mushroom/helmet whatever you call my hair. ha. been watching 花样少年少女's vcd recently. i'm addicted to the show i guess. can't keep watching and watching. ha. but i think it's nice. class outing tomorrow. feeling real excited. not the whole class going though./= sigh. emily has gone overseas. think she's enjoying herself in don't know which part of taiwan now. now my life's so boring. oh wells. Wednesday, June 13, 2007 Y 10:48:00 pm ![]() we won't have difficulty remembering stuff. if only we were robots, we won't have difficulty lasting for hours, charge our batteries for an hour, and we'll probably last for a few hours. but all these are only ifs. we aren't robots. but i think this world is just so amazing. how so many different species live together in this world, fighting one another in order to survive. i don't think man is the strongest. i don't think so. but it's just amazing. ha. hope i'm making sense. Tuesday, June 12, 2007 Y 5:16:00 pm class outing this friday. got to chill out man. miss my friends.): feel like a loooooong time since i last saw them. thought it's only last friday that i saw some of them. i think school should reopen soon. then we can just rock one another's world. (: rest in peace.
Sunday, June 10, 2007 Y 10:43:00 pm yo. i'm feeling HIGH. haha. life's so great. :D i've decided to go to school tomorrow. lalala. i'm starting to miss that stranger.(: Saturday, June 09, 2007 Y 12:11:00 am just did a test here and got my results. think it's pretty accurate. ha. anyway, went to meet my aunts and cousins for dinner just now. had swensens! first time in my memory i ate that. pathetic i now. but that's how my life is. i don't remember going to ikea until my girlfriends brought me there this year, and loads more. had chicken steak and a banana split. was so full that i didn't finish my food. but their ice-cream is real nice! now i'm real tired. " In the very earliest time,
when both people and animals lived on earth, a person could become an animal if he wanted to and an animal could be a human being. sometimes they were people and sometimes animals and there was no difference. all spoke the same language. that was the time when words were like magic. a word spoken by chance might have strange consequences. it would suddenly come alive and what people wanted to happen could happen-- all you had to do was say it. nobody couple explain this: that's the way it was. " --"magic words," by edward field. Thursday, June 07, 2007 Y 5:06:00 pm just came back from scrabble training. had a game with weilang and gosh, it was such a close match! luckily i won. HAHA. but it wasn't with a great spread. sigh.. worried worried worried... anyways, the scrabble nationals will be held on 1st july! come down and support us if you can. i'm seriously excited yet scared at the same time. hope we do win something. it's my last year in CTSS so hope to make some achievements. so that's what you chose. pride over friendship. i don't go around telling people stuff by the way. before we ended, sometimes when i'm miserable, i refused to let things out. only until they ask me to write it out to feel better. and it's only the few of them. only after we ended i felt so miserable that i told some of them. is that wrong? i thought everything was over. just like this whole thing. all the unhappiness, sorrows and blah. till you messaged me, showing me your unhappiness. they've eyes to see what's going on. they've mouths to say how they feel. they've a heart to feel. she did it cos she felt like it. she told me what she did. and what you want me to do? slap her? or slap myself? you say we'll be friends. but in the end you still treasure your pride more. you say you still love me. but you don't even trust me. screw that saying about risking life and death for friends. i thought of being your good friend. bestest friend. but i guess it can't be done. you just told and showed me this morning that you treasure your pride, what others said, more than this friendship. STUDY STUDY STUDY... Wednesday, June 06, 2007 Y 7:58:00 pm i'm so bored./= so so bored. i know i'm suppose to study. but just don't feel like studying. *frowns* thinking of how term 3 is coming fast, i do feel scared. it's like in 20 days, we're going to take our first paper already. but yet, I STILL DON'T FEEL LIKE STUDYING !!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. anyway, just want to thank some people. they were there to listen to me when i was down. they were there to guide me through my hard times. i'm so so sorry joanne for always thinking that i've told you but actually i didn't. sorry! i'm also sorry for being so stubborn,
and made you all feel like bursting due to anger. i'm so sorry. but i'm glad you guys were there for me. thanks leon and joanne for the slap today. though leon didn't really slap while jo did. thanks yuxi for the 7 pages long sms. sorry to have fell asleep while waiting for your reply. thanks ale, limei and eileen for being so patient with me. sorry to have made you all so frustrated with me. thanks to jovi and leon for the long phone calls. sorry to have taken up your time. there are just too many people to name. but i'm seriously glad to have friends there for me. i've always believe that when you lose something, you'll gain something in return. and true enough, it did happen on me. i've thought things through. and now i'm on a mission.(: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 Y 6:07:00 pm mac with cheuping, jason and jo after lessons. chatted and went home with jo. how boring can days get. boo... can't wait for Os to be over. it'll be fun + work + $$$ + NICE AND COOL STUFF! sounds cool right? BUT NOW I'VE TO MUG LIKE CRAZY. D: ayeeeeeeeeee... never mind. for the sake of my happiness, I SHALL DO IT. GO GO YENSZE!!! :D Monday, June 04, 2007 Y 7:17:00 pm today was pretty alright. lessons were boring till physics practical test. i didn't finish the second experiment. i'm so so dead. i started the graph off wrongly. and i found out only when there was only three minutes left. oh wells. went to eat then home for tuition. having stomach cramp now. went to eat a stupid piece of watermelon. arghh. so what if i'm sad? everything doesn't matter now. since he wanted it, i gave it to him. |
colourful me 17july1991. sixteen. jurong junior college. email: Click here if you want to leave. push the button A Whole New World - Nick Pitera. hugs & kisses ♥ 林俊杰 LIN JUN JIE. Nick Pitera!! respects Mr Lee Kuan Yew.<3 my family, friends, goldfish. cameras. handphone. taking photos. the sky, nature. blue, black, white. mrbean, patrick, stars. sour stuff, honey stars. mangoes, bananas, grapes. number seventeen. sleep, my bed. wish upon the rainbow. ear holes. more clothes. new computer/laptop. bigger eyes. (seems impossible) INHERIT MY FATHER'S D-SLR. shoot ESCAPADES my facebook my friendster afina aishah aisyah alethia aniah atiqqa bee suan charis ching er christiane eileen euminl freida geraldine poh huiyun ivy jaclyn jeraldine yeo ji xiang jian wen jie ming joanne jolene yeo jovita tang joyce tan juanita junkang koonlay limei limin liyana lynn meixuan melissa teh michelle minwei nabilah nicholas pearl peifen peiling rita ruby sarah kee serena shafinah shaun sheaujyu shenting shirlyn siti sufiah veronica vicki viviana wati weikuang wenhui wenjie wenqian wenyu xiaxue xueying xulan yanlin yilin yoga zachary zhengning zhepeng zhiying into the past ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |