Tuesday, July 31, 2007 Y 9:07:00 pm night focus has started. i've to stay in school everyday, except tuesdays and fridays, till 7pm. wonder how i'm going to survive during this period of time. it's like after the focus i'll be dead beat and restless after i get home. i just feel like drifting off to dreamland after my bath. then don't feel like doing my work already.): sigh. anyway, my cute little cousin cheered me up just now.(: she's so cute lah. she never fail to make me smile.(: just now when her family was leaving my house, she stood at the stairs outside and kept waving at me while my uncle chatted a little with my aunt. when they were all finally ready to go, she was still waving. i was like wondering why she kept waving. then she suddenly shouted, "close the door!" lol, then after i close the door she really stopped waving. awwwww, so cute lah! :D so yeah, won't be updating anytime soon. take care everyone. drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits. till then.(: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Y 4:29:00 pm results are coming back one by one. and i feel depressed with every result that i get back. ): just hope my Os won't be as bad!X= today quite relaxing. had an educational survey this morning followed by free period and PE. played badminton with joanne and eileen. i feel so happy!:D don't know why either. can't stop laughing. ha. siao. now i feel very tired and sleepy. going out to jog with wenhui soon. she suddenly feel like jogging. haha, cute woman.:D i'm excited about sunday's carnival!! but yet scared at the same time. ayeeeee. whatever. :D Sunday, July 22, 2007 Y 10:25:00 pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY LESLIE.(: may everyday of your life be filled with happiness! went to his house for te-pan-ya-ki(right?) just now. with wenhui, iven, yee chin and jing you. all twenties except me. muahaha. nice dinner. did my work there. produced my testimonial. thanks wenhui for that nice board!:D oh yah, i watched harry potter for the second time last night. gorgeous.(: LUNA LOVEGOOD! :D Saturday, July 21, 2007 Y 12:31:00 am just a short post before i go to sleep. thanks limei for the mrbean bear! it's cute. :D 1. HARRY POTTER IS NICE! :D 2. watch it with ale, lester, jo, kenric and sheaujyu. 3. i brought jollymah out to watch HP with me. 4. the nike bag looks nice on me.(: 5. i'm a blue freak. 6. met dear wenhui for a while before i went home. 7. i have been emo but i shall be NO MORE. goodnight.(: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 Y 11:09:00 pm pictures of my presents. ![]() xueying, zhiying, millie, sheaujyu, eileen, jovita, alethia.(: Y 8:16:00 pm last paper tomorrow. well, feel rather stress. not because it's chinese paper. but it's because after that it's prelims. whatever mrs gan said to us yesterday is carved on my brain. and now i'm feeling real stressed out. sigh. i've to mug real hard from now. "the computer is poisonous..." i thought that to myself just now. true, it is. to 3 different people. 1. i dreamt a little dream about you. and i regretted like hell. 2. i'm disappointed. you've got my guards up against you. 3. i hate you. was uploading songs into my MP3. NOT ENOUGH SPACE. -faints. Tuesday, July 17, 2007 Y 9:15:00 pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF.(: and all those who share the same birthday as me! such as xulan, her mum, chen ern, blah. thanks for all those who wished me on my birthday.(: thanks joanne. thanks emily. thanks yi lin. thanks yoga. thanks mama, chin lung. thanks wen hui. thanks felicia khoo. thanks guo lian. thanks wati. thanks alethia. thanks sheau jyu. thanks xue ying. thanks jovita. thanks mei xuan. thanks leslie. thanks shu feng. thanks kah yan. thanks ronald. thanks ian. thanks norman. thanks vanessa. thanks kenric. thanks zhi ying. thanks millie. thanks dian. thanks eileen. thanks li mei. thanks siti. thanks shindo. thanks irving. thanks wen shi. thanks colin. thanks alan. thanks vivien. thanks pear. thanks alvin. thanks yoga. thanks rita. thanks hui su. thanks aisyah. thanks jun zhong. thanks jovi. thanks kuan ming. thanks yuxi. thanks jun kang. thanks nisha. thanks jing yi. thanks koon lay. thanks zheng ning. thanks suh yee. thanks serena. thanks hui yi. thanks aniah. IN NO ORDER OF MERIT !:D forgive me if i left your name out... let me know yeah?(: thanks xueying, zhiying, millie, sheaujyu, eileen, jovita, alethia. for the blue nike bag + keychain + memo pad!:D thanks joanne for the 17cards full of photos + first to sms me to wish me!:D thanks wenhui for wishing me happy birthday everywhere!:D lol. just to summarise my day in point form: 1. mrprata with girlfriends after paper. 2. westmall to look around. 3. sheaujyu's brothers' match. 4. pool at jo's house. 5. NP's library with wenhui. 6. dinner over at jo's house. 7. cut cake at home.(: all in all, YENSZE IS A HAPPY GIRL!:D even though i was emo earlier on cos of some shit. Monday, July 16, 2007 Y 10:24:00 pm haha, thanks emily. i like the present. a lot.(: it's a mushroom massager for those who's wondering. haha, it's cute.(: thanks a lot! :D why mushroom? because she loves calling me mushroom head. or mushroom girl. lol. 1 hour 20 minutes more.(: Y 2:45:00 pm currently at wenhui's house with leslie. here to mug. gosh, her house is so big and cosy.:D the attic has a real good study environment. haha. how i wish i've a attic like this too!:D real big, air-conditioned, 3 computers, a sofa, small table and chairs... then maybe my results will improve greatly!:D gracious/big-hearted yo. Sunday, July 15, 2007 Y 11:26:00 pm i'm tired and i'm bored. feel like shooting some hoops.X= i miss wenhui and leslie. haha, my 20yr old friends. wenhui is down with fever and flu. aww... TAKE LOADS OF CARE MY DEAR. drink loads of water and get loads of rest! 1. 25 more hours.(: 2. i received jj's album already.(: Friday, July 13, 2007 Y 10:31:00 pm FRIDAY THE 13TH WAS GOOD FOR ME.(: but not so for my dear wenhui! (i made a small hole on her shirt while pulling her away from the taxi.) sorry!X= i got to know 3 new friends today! guojun (wh's friend), alex and richard (from bball court). yeah, i played basketball, with yuxi, wenhui, leslie and guojun, after ages and WHOO! i feel real good after that.:D i felt so so free. without worries and problems in my mind. but it was temporary lah. ha. i scored my first goal in the greens!:D before that went ikea with jo and wenqian. we sat in the small "movie theatre" and watch tom and jerry. ha, and there were kids coming in and out.(: cute little kids.(: HOW WAS YOUR FRIDAY THE 13TH?(: i want to learn how to play "my immortal" on the piano! ):<
Thursday, July 12, 2007 Y 8:11:00 pm library with xueying and ale after school. did a little maths. there was this guy who scared the daylight out of ale and i. we were walking around, searching for books to read. suddenly he just ran over and mumbled something which i couldn't catch. after that he went over to sit near our table. and kept looking at us. he's not right up there. i mean serious. and he really scared me. we went off after that. sorry wenhui, sounded tired when i was over the phone with you. cheer up leslie. da da da da da da ge. though i don't know what happened, and i don't think i'll be of help, but do cheer up.(: YOU! come online quick. haha, i no longer give a big fat damn. whatever you say. you've got the f*ck now.(: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Y 6:03:00 pm SMILE MY FRIENDS, ALL THOSE AROUND ME. because all your smiles melt my heart, because all your smiles make my world go round.(: ESPECIALLY YOU MY DEAR WENHUI! SMILE SMILE SMILE!!! :DDD term 3 exams is killing me. be it MENTALLY or PHYSICALLY. i feel so tired recently. all thanks to term 3 exams. but on second thought, i think i'm falling sick. i feel real cold these few days. freezing cold. oh wells. date with wenhui this friday. date with close friends and harry potter next friday. EXCITED.:D private blogs in the trend now huh? lol. because it's too private? or because it's getting ______? Saturday, July 07, 2007 Y 8:34:00 pm Friday, July 06, 2007 went to singapore poly's open house with SJ, ale, eileen, krithee, aisyah, siti and chep after school. pretty boring there./= because didn't plan to go poly thus didn't think of which course i want to take up. after that went to meet wenhui. (haha my scandal. *winks*) she brought along her friend, leslie. he's one nice guy. treated me diner + mcflurry(?) he's damn knowledgeable about medical stuff. one ego guy.X= HA! hung out from 6pm to 11.30pm. went to the park near my house. talked, and exercised. LOL. pretty cool lah. didn't get scolded by my parents. surprised. now i'm waiting for wenhui to come online to send me pictures. took them in the park last night. i'm supose to be studying. but i can't bring myself to./= changed water for my goldfish.(: <33333. i love wenhui! (sheau jyu don't be jealous.xD) Wednesday, July 04, 2007 Y 8:40:00 pm 1. feeling emo for don't know why. 2. girlfriends, it's not that i don't retaliate when i'm being bullied. just don't see the point getting angry. 3. please stop thinking you guys are the best. so what if ___ ___ __ ___. 4. i'm guilty. life is actually very simple. it's man who made it complicated. working hard to earn big bucks, striving to own the best of all materialistic goods. in the end, when one has everything, he/she will realise the best of life is the simplest element of life. actually i think being a student is the easiest of all. we don't have to worry about anything, except about our results. all we have to do is to keep studying. we don't have to fend for ourselves, we don't have to worry not having food to fill our stomachs. we just have to slog our lives out and study like there's no tomorrow. hansen: jiayou. don't let wild thoughts get the better of you.(: hope whatever i've said are of help to you. wenhui: FIGHT FOR YOUR HAPPINESS!!! ):< Tuesday, July 03, 2007 Y 6:36:00 pm 1. my back aches like some !@#$. 2. i'm going to change my phone. don't know what model. 3. i want to buy new clothes! 4. i want ear holes.): 5. my tutor's daughter is featured on newspaper. 6. i won't be online these few days.(: 7. I'M GOING TO BUY JJ'S NEW ALBUM. -DUH.- daniel: IF YOU'RE READING MY BLOG, add me in msn. thanks.(: Sunday, July 01, 2007 Y 11:14:00 pm firstly, i want to thank Justin, Hannah, Chuan Junn and Joshua. you guys have been great team mates.(: thanks for making it possible to win something in the finals.(: and thanks justin for saving us. ha. bingo-ed for the first time in my life. with the word INTERNET. glad that i finally did on the last day i can represent CTSS in taking part in scrabble competition. it's exceptionally meaningful i guess. haha. it's so freaking tiring to play 5 games of scrabble on a lazy sunday, where you've to wake up at 6+am, and end at only 5+pm. btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA. :D feel so guilty. didn't have time to accompany my mama today. just ate dinner, birthday cake and ice-cream with her. real full. but well, as long as she's happy.(: happy birthday aishah too! :D alright, off to bed. |
colourful me 17july1991. sixteen. jurong junior college. email: frostedmoments@hotmail.com Click here if you want to leave. push the button A Whole New World - Nick Pitera. hugs & kisses ♥ 林俊杰 LIN JUN JIE. Nick Pitera!! respects Mr Lee Kuan Yew.<3 my family, friends, goldfish. cameras. handphone. taking photos. the sky, nature. blue, black, white. mrbean, patrick, stars. sour stuff, honey stars. mangoes, bananas, grapes. number seventeen. sleep, my bed. wish upon the rainbow. ear holes. more clothes. new computer/laptop. bigger eyes. (seems impossible) INHERIT MY FATHER'S D-SLR. shoot ESCAPADES my facebook my friendster afina aishah aisyah alethia aniah atiqqa bee suan charis ching er christiane eileen euminl freida geraldine poh huiyun ivy jaclyn jeraldine yeo ji xiang jian wen jie ming joanne jolene yeo jovita tang joyce tan juanita junkang koonlay limei limin liyana lynn meixuan melissa teh michelle minwei nabilah nicholas pearl peifen peiling rita ruby sarah kee serena shafinah shaun sheaujyu shenting shirlyn siti sufiah veronica vicki viviana wati weikuang wenhui wenjie wenqian wenyu xiaxue xueying xulan yanlin yilin yoga zachary zhengning zhepeng zhiying into the past ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |