Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Y 6:43:00 pm video of 星光帮. i like安伯政. haha. i think he super cute lah. when nervous, he'll perspire a lot. then i think he and the little kid like father and son! in the mv got one part where the little boy jump onto him. watch it watch it ! :D and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I THINK I SCREWED MY CHINESE PAPER 1. OH WHATEVER. don't want to think/talk about it. it's over.(: few more papers to go and we'll be free. *winks to all sec 4e and 5n.* HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL.(:
trick or treat? :D Monday, October 29, 2007 Y 8:56:00 pm HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY WENNIE DARLING! :D may all your wishes come true! stay pretty and cheerful! :D stayed up till 12am last night just to wish her happy birthday. in the end i'm the 4th.): first time failed being the first but oh wells, as long as my wishes got through.(: hope you had a great day darling. hehe. today's paper was though. especially the narrative. hope mine doesn't seem like crap to the examiners... if not i'm dead. alright, got to go study le. till then.(: Saturday, October 27, 2007 Y 4:22:00 pm ![]() lazy to post remaining photos taken on the last day of school. shall do that after Os. those who haven't got the photos from me, will give you all as soon as possible. so sorry. went to eat pizza just now with my family. gosh, somehow sick of pizzas already. ate wall's cornetto royale just now just for the jj's CD. haha, i must be nuts. alright, got to go study. have been slacking. toodles. Monday, October 15, 2007 Y 8:15:00 pm let's start this post with some nice photos.(: at the ice-cream shop: look at the yellow and green thing. isn't it cool? haha i "invented" it. (: ![]() in class with "balloons"! chatting with guolian online now. haha, got her to told me stuff about geography. thank you! :D rubern is taking f o r e v e r to reply me. i've something important to ask him! ARGHH. went to eileen's house this morning to get chinese work done. went with alethia and jovita. xueying came to find us after that. chinese really challenges our brain cells man. it's just ONE NEWSPAPER REPORT. and it gave us a terrible headache. tsk, worrying. SEVEN more days to the first paper. i'm scared.):
AHHHHHHH. Saturday, October 13, 2007 Y 8:37:00 pm ![]() Super bored now. changed my blog song. those whom i'm talking to online all went to watch TV.): Went to visit my grandmother's grave this morning. got to wake up very early lah. still thought that i can sleep in since it's a rainy saturday, perfect for sleeping, and after a long day last night. sigh. Went to jurong point for lunch after that. was like a walking zombie due to the lack of sleep. super sleepy. and moody. don't know why but i'll always be moody when i don't get enough sleep. tsk tsk tsk. Am thinking if i should get that bag online. i think it's pretty. but my mama doesn't think so. she even bribed me by saying if i don't get it, she'll buy me an adidas bag. Tempting lah.. but it's different. as in i've a lot of sports bag. but that's like a tote bag or something then i don't need to carry a big bag whenever i go out. tsk, don't know lah, dilemma. Ahhh, bored bored bored. they are still glued to the TV !!! arghhhh. go find more nice stuff online. [edit] tsk sam also say not nice. but vanessa say buy. ahhhh... [/edit] Friday, October 12, 2007 Y 9:59:00 pm Today only 18 people came for classes. EIGHTEEN. Haha yeah, pathetic. Nothing much happened in school today. Had maths, chinese and chemistry only. TPI was fun. :D We went out to Koufu to eat. Mrs Gan was so cute lah. Haha. OH YAH 4A1 PEEPS. PLEASE COME TO SCHOOL ON THE 19TH. Please. We've got a little party. Alright got to go to my aunt's house for birthday celebration. Hehe. Till then. Monday, October 08, 2007 Y 10:26:00 pm ![]() physics practical tomorrow. and the battle begins! good luck everybody.(: *alethia says 4-leaves clover represent good luck. couldn't find a nice picture of it so i shall give you clovers.(: [edit]oh yah, went to study with ale just now. shall post pictures after she sends them to me.(:[/edit] Saturday, October 06, 2007 Y 2:23:00 pm what does "friend" mean to you? according to the dictionary, it is 1 .a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. 2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter. 3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile. but what's its meaning to you? personally, i think friends are people who stand by you no matter what happens. they are people whom you can trust, and look for whenever you're feeling down. they are the ones who will stay true to you. they are ones who love and care about you other than your family members. there shouldn't be betrayal among friends. there shouldn't be backstabbing among friends. there shouldn't be lies among friends, only at times, some white ones. one shouldn't make use, or even sacrifice friendship to get one's achievements. if the above are present, it isn't a true friendship at all. to me, i think friendship is the most basic relationship among people. therefore i think it's a very very important relationship. imagine you living in this world without friends. what kind of life will that be? if you find your friends leaving you one by one, you should start wondering why that is so. because you've done something wrong? because you're an introvert and people find it hard to communicate with you? because you do not let anyone get near you? or is it just something wrong with your character? on the other hand, if people start getting closer to you, and want to be your friend, is it because of something they want to get out of you? or is it really because you're a nice person? friendship isn't a simple love-hate relationship huh. if only human are less scheming. ask me what's the aim of this whole thing. i don't know, just some random thoughts. shall end up with a classic sentence i heard somewhere. "it's true that we all should love someone else for who he is, but it is because we love him, we want him to change for the better." |
colourful me 17july1991. sixteen. jurong junior college. email: Click here if you want to leave. push the button A Whole New World - Nick Pitera. hugs & kisses ♥ 林俊杰 LIN JUN JIE. Nick Pitera!! respects Mr Lee Kuan Yew.<3 my family, friends, goldfish. cameras. handphone. taking photos. the sky, nature. blue, black, white. mrbean, patrick, stars. sour stuff, honey stars. mangoes, bananas, grapes. number seventeen. sleep, my bed. wish upon the rainbow. ear holes. more clothes. new computer/laptop. bigger eyes. (seems impossible) INHERIT MY FATHER'S D-SLR. shoot ESCAPADES my facebook my friendster afina aishah aisyah alethia aniah atiqqa bee suan charis ching er christiane eileen euminl freida geraldine poh huiyun ivy jaclyn jeraldine yeo ji xiang jian wen jie ming joanne jolene yeo jovita tang joyce tan juanita junkang koonlay limei limin liyana lynn meixuan melissa teh michelle minwei nabilah nicholas pearl peifen peiling rita ruby sarah kee serena shafinah shaun sheaujyu shenting shirlyn siti sufiah veronica vicki viviana wati weikuang wenhui wenjie wenqian wenyu xiaxue xueying xulan yanlin yilin yoga zachary zhengning zhepeng zhiying into the past ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |