Thursday, November 29, 2007 Y 11:27:00 pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOVITA WONG. JWWJ, may your wish in getting fatter come true soon!(remember to take fats from me ah!) lol. anyway, will be away for 3 days for my family chalet. hope it will be fun! AIM FOR THIS CHALET: WIN ANOTHER BIG FAT MOUSE HOME. lol, those who have seen the giant mouse in my room before will know what i'm talking about. HOPE I CAN WIN IT AGAIN MAN. anyway, sam and mingyang coming over too. it's such a pity that joyce and eileen can't come./= now mingyang is asking for more people to go. lmao lah, i think it's quite interesting. alright, won't be online for 3 days. goodbye.(: take care and enjoy alethia when you're in australia! carry out our mission when you're back! *winks* [edit] LMAO, yunian says that i look like a jap, in that photo i took with xueying. really meh, lmao. [/edit] Wednesday, November 28, 2007 Y 10:26:00 pm post dedicated to xueying: ![]() must take good care of yourself when you're in china kay? when you're back we must meet up!!! will miss you, you woman. err any friends of mine, who are overseas now too, like xueying and jonathan, take loads of care! Y 8:19:00 pm heard from ale that class chalet was fun. am glad about it, yet sad that i couldn't go. hope you guys had enjoyed!(: anyway, these few days my life circled around RAGNAROK ONLINE (GATHERING). HAHA CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. lmao. caught HERO too. i think kimura takuya, aka mu cun kuo zai, the gatsby star, is damn cool. hahaha, handsome! but while watching the movie, there's this guy/girl, i don't know the gender, who SNORED SUPER LOUDLY. i was super irritated lah. cos we were all at the back, and that person was at the same row as we were. i swear i was THAT irritated, and i almost wanted to throw something over. when the show end, he/she straight away rush for the exit. think too embarassed. i think it's kind of rude lah. aiya whatever. right now i can't stop laughing while looking at my brother's yearbook. (especially his photo.) RAWROFLOLMAO. xD Sunday, November 25, 2007 Y 10:52:00 pm my computer is crazyyyyyyy. and it's driving me nuts ! such a bitch it is! keep restarting by itself with no good reasons, without warnings and the actions are continuous ! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh. ANYWAY, sent my brother to yew tee CC before going to imm with aunts as planned. because he had scrabble competition AND GUESSED WHAT. only 2 schools took part, which were his school, NUSH, and my school, CTSS. so coincidental lah. he told me he played with yongliang, aishah and wilson. and apparently they are(were?) my juniors. HAHA, YEAH HE PLAYED WITH YOU GUYS. haha and his school lost. lol. hooray ctss! :D imm was next. went to eat at bagus food court first. gosh, it's so dirty there. tables, floor and everything. the stall, which i don't wish to mention, where i went to buy my food, the bowls they expect us to use were very dirty lah! the chopsticks, spoon and stuff... gosh. shopping at giant was fun! i like pushing the trolley, walking through the aisles. the feeling is just great. :D stuff bought were mostly for BBQ. hope it'll be fun! don't know if i can go for the class chalet though. my dad really grounded me like a caged bird. other than going out with my aunts, and places nearby, HE WON'T LET ME LEAVE THE HOUSE. yeah, just like a caged bird./= scared i fly out won't return. HA-HA-HA, whatever. 501 new emails. good job. Y 1:18:00 am last night went over to wenhui darling's house. she helped me with my skin. apparently the picture disappeared for don't-know-what reason. thanks loads darling! :D the class chalet thingy is finally settled like FINALLY. know alethia is somehow pissed about that issue. going giant tomorrow with aunts to get stuff for the family chalet. so excited for family chalet! don't know why, haha. i go there every year but i'm still excited! :D caught up with koonlay yesterday. miss you loads my friend! still remember how we use to sms each other a lot a lot, exchange secrets in exercise books, and chatting over the phone for hours. sigh, the difference in secondary schools do keep us apart huh. anyway, hope to see you soon during the 3weeks trial in MI! catch up you real soooooooooon! :D oh, saw a winter jacket from G2000. reserved, waiting for aunt to collect. think i look like an eskimo in it. ha, I'M NOW EXCITED FOR THE TRIP TOO! get to see my baby cousins! :DD miss them a lot, those laughter and smiles they never failed to bring./= shanghai shanghai shanghai!!! but sad that i can't celebrate xmas with my friends here in singapore.): oh wells... hope it snows over there though!:D Friday, November 23, 2007 Y 1:58:00 am prom was yesterday, held over at traders' hotel. theme was masquarade. at the beginning i was seriously feeling out of place. not use to going parties where there'll be so many people. kept saying i wanted to go back and that i look out of place too. ha, come to think of it, it's really kind of dumb. alright, let the pictures do the talking. ![]() that noisy crapper actually wanted to pose with his hand over my neck with that knife. lmao lah. ![]() i think it's super disappointing. thought we could have a good nice class photo. but sigh. can't even see everyone. last but not least... PROM KING! ![]() haha. hope everyone had fun at prom last night. it took me real long to upload all these photos. just look at the time now. 1.56am, gosh. think everyone looked great that night. hope i didn't miss anyone out! there're really lots of photo to upload. if i really did miss out anyone, tell me yeah? anyway, those who haven't get their photos from me, can ask them from me online, or maybe drop me a message. |
colourful me 17july1991. sixteen. jurong junior college. email: Click here if you want to leave. push the button A Whole New World - Nick Pitera. hugs & kisses ♥ 林俊杰 LIN JUN JIE. Nick Pitera!! respects Mr Lee Kuan Yew.<3 my family, friends, goldfish. cameras. handphone. taking photos. the sky, nature. blue, black, white. mrbean, patrick, stars. sour stuff, honey stars. mangoes, bananas, grapes. number seventeen. sleep, my bed. wish upon the rainbow. ear holes. more clothes. new computer/laptop. bigger eyes. (seems impossible) INHERIT MY FATHER'S D-SLR. shoot ESCAPADES my facebook my friendster afina aishah aisyah alethia aniah atiqqa bee suan charis ching er christiane eileen euminl freida geraldine poh huiyun ivy jaclyn jeraldine yeo ji xiang jian wen jie ming joanne jolene yeo jovita tang joyce tan juanita junkang koonlay limei limin liyana lynn meixuan melissa teh michelle minwei nabilah nicholas pearl peifen peiling rita ruby sarah kee serena shafinah shaun sheaujyu shenting shirlyn siti sufiah veronica vicki viviana wati weikuang wenhui wenjie wenqian wenyu xiaxue xueying xulan yanlin yilin yoga zachary zhengning zhepeng zhiying into the past ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |