Monday, December 31, 2007 Y 2:21:00 am HELLO! AM BACK IN S'PORE. shall and will blog more later. i fcking hate liars. and nah, i shan't get affected.(: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Y 12:12:00 am haha hello people!!! currently blogging using my uncle's laptop. think i forgot to say who i came to shanghai with! am here with my 3rd and 4th aunt, and cousin ling er. it's cold here! well, i'm scared of cold that is. my 3rd aunt think it's pretty alright. had a great christmas!!! with a real christmas tree, pizzas, KFC. hahaha. alright shall blog more next time! going hang zhou tomorrow. take care peeps! hope you guys had a great christmas too! :D Sunday, December 23, 2007 Y 6:52:00 am hello! am blogging using the free internet service at the waiting area. just saying some last goodbye(s) before boarding the plane. thanks eileen for waking up so early just to wish me bon voyage!:D will miss you loads loads loads!(': alright, got to fill some blahblah forms. and got to call alethia later with that free phone.:D MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL IN ADVANCE ONCE AGAIN!(: oh yah, i'm brining my phone along ale and eileen. decided to do so at the eleventh SEE YOU GUYS ON THE 3oTH!:D Saturday, December 22, 2007 Y 11:25:00 pm how could i forget, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL IN ADVANCE! :D just in case i can't go online over there. may all wishes come true, and may all be healthy and cheerful always! :D Y 11:17:00 pm am going to leave singapore for shanghai trip in around 8hrs time. kind of excited, haha. but am going to miss some people like eileen and other gfs. take care alright, all my friends. will bring back gifts for you all! :D i'm still hoping for snow though the chances are super low. thanks papa.(': Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Y 9:44:00 pm went to kbox yesterday with my aunt, cousin KY and his gf, jolyn. sang from 11am till 4pm. jolyn's voice really very nice. sounds very like rainie 杨丞琳. watched the MV, listen to her sing at the same time, GOSH, it's as though it's the original singing! no exaggeration, no lies. *going to be very 超级星光大道-ish. skip if you mind!* personally sang a lot of songs of male singers. especially those sang in 超级星光大道. PK-ed with KY in 背叛-曹格, and 新不了情-万芳, like 杨宗纬 and 萧敬腾. haha, in the end I'M XJT, AND HE'S YZW. cos i won in 背叛, and he won in 新不了情. :DD XJT!!!!! :DDD i like both of them actually, their voices rock. somemore i think they're really very alike! in terms of looks, character, behaviour.. but just think that xjt has more potential and younger. (zn says that he's more handsome, lol! ;D) i think 超级星光大道 is the best singing competition i've ever watched so far.(: *sorry! end of 超级星光大道-ing.* picked some of the english songs too. quite limited actually. couldn't find most of the songs i was looking for. but it's better than not having a single piece i guess. sang a few duets with jolyn. she sang the female part, and i, the male. voice too low for female songs actually. don't know why i'm feeling a sense of guilt, ha. overall yesterday was fun. :DD i'm filled with more boredom, now that my com's sound device go missing suddenly, and i can't listen to music/watch videos. what have i done to deserve this?): Saturday, December 15, 2007 Y 11:51:00 pm feeling real miserable now. talking to alethia about my goldfish at msn. it's like really dying already... thought it'll recover soon, but it's actually getting from bad to worse... now it can't even swim properly. whole day at the bottom of the tank. today i didn't even feed it, cos there're leftovers from last night's feeding floating at the top. and guess what, last night i fed 1/3 of what it usually eats. sigh. [edit] why does your face keep appearing everywhere... are you modeling for some advertisement? [/edit] Friday, December 14, 2007 Y 11:03:00 pm went to haji lane with alethia yesterday. before that, we dropped by at SP to find eileen. hahaha, shan't elaborate. saw fei wen there. i sort of forgot he studies there, so was quite surprised to see him, lmao. trained to bugis before walking out to search for haji lane. and we took like 89415689 years to find it. initially ale's mum drew a mini map for her, but apparently her dad threw it away, thinking it was some junk perhaps? i had my brunch before we start snapping away. alright, let the pictures do the talking. ![]() mr simpson and i. and guess who she's taking photo of? ![]() okay lame, whatever. she wanted to take a photo with it so played around. haha. it was fun yesterday! luckily it didn't rain. *phew* was kind of like lucky? due to the fact that the weather was crazy the past few days. rain, stop. rain, stop. my right eye has been damn pain and red for the whole of today and i don't know why! it was like that right after i wake up till now. better get going. [edit] all those photos aren't all! more surprises coming.(: [/edit] Thursday, December 13, 2007 Y 11:51:00 pm shall blog about today tomorrow. sorry peeps! real tired. check this area tomorrow! :D Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Y 4:02:00 pm ADVERTISEMENT. looking for trendy clothes online? looking for cute accessories and protection for your phone? i do not promise that you'll find whatever you want in here, but you can try your luck! visit: do support my senior! :D Monday, December 10, 2007 Y 9:30:00 pm MY GOLDFISH IS DYING.): i'm super sad lah. "nobody call fishes pet," quoted from mr e.tan, but i do regard my goldfish as a pet, my pet. it kinds of pain me to see it stay upside down at the bottom of the tank suddenly, and start swimming abnormally. don't die please, mr fishy... (named by danny). went to town again with aunts and cousins yesterday. it was raining cat and dogs when we were on our way there. shopped around Centrepoint. went to marks and spencers and bought a lot of leggings to keep our legs warm in shanghai, as well as gloves. walked to Plaza Singapura after that. had Carl's Jr for early dinner first. don't be shocked, but yeah, first time eating there. shared 2 chicken burgers among the 4 of us. it's really h u g e(for a burger), and nice. was very full after eating half of the burger. went to Dorothy Perkins to shop a while. bought more leggings. so in total, we had a lot of leggings. when i say a lot, i meant A LOT. there was like 5-6 pairs for each of us, and there were like 4 of us? my aunt spent a whole of $300. ha, SIAO LIAO. eileen came over to my house just now. helped her with her blogskin. crapped a little as well. she bought bubble tea for me.(: so happy, it has been AGES since i last drank that. haha. i feel weird without a camera in hand.): and you're such a nice friend!(: Sunday, December 09, 2007 Y 1:51:00 am HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANESSA! may all your wishes come true! hope we can get into SAJC together! haha, thanks for entertaining me online when i'm bored.(: went to town with 3 aunts and 2 cousins just now. we bought a lot of stuff can. 12 pairs of shoes and 2 winter coats in total. haha, but i only bought one winter coat. from G200 blu. i think i look super like an eskimo. lmao. in the end i had to carry a lot of bags of heavy shoes. but i shop till very happy, though very tiring. kept stoning whenever i've the time to. because was really exhausted. had dinner only after 10pm. was really very hungry lah! chatting with eileen online now. helping her think of a blog name. haha, but she thought of one for herself! sounds quite cool to me, lol. tried changing skin for my private blog this afternoon. kind of screwed. gave up in the end. noob; ah wells. Saturday, December 08, 2007 Y 1:17:00 am currently waiting for my freaking thick hair to dry. it has been like 45 minutes of sitting in front of the fan? and it's still not dry. omgosh. -.- fixed my computer today with the aid of my brother. now it's okay already. yesterday it seriously pissed me off. it kept restarting and restarting. i wasn't even able to reach that log in account page lah. anyway today was pretty alright. finished another puzzle of slam dunk. 2 puzzles completed. i think the slam dunk one is pretty. will take photo of both puzzles when there's a chance to. (my quite pissing.) went to westmall just now to return library books. i was super excited before i went. that show how BORED i am at home. i was near to ecstatic when i was there. embarrassing, but truth. borrowed a travel guide on shanghai to see what i can get when i'm there. i'm really looking forward to the trip. cute cousins, snow(please!), shopping, FREEDOM. yes, freedom is sweet.(: walked around westmall before leaving for home. met wenhui with her the other darling at westmall. lol. facebook-ed, glued puzzles after that when home. aiya, boring grounded life loh./= ALETHIA, DATE ON THURSDAY AH. get me out of the house! ):< i don't know why i feel neglected whenever you go offline.): Wednesday, December 05, 2007 Y 11:51:00 pm i think i'm getting used to my life of being grounded. wake up everyday around 11am, watch the hong kong serial drama on scv at 12pm, have lunch at around 1pm, start using computer till 6pm, watch some tv till 7pm, dinner then computer till 12am. haha, routine perhaps. a little different today though. assembled some puzzles of some anime, (my brother's prince of tennis), then went to decorate my travel journal in preparation for my shanghai trip on the 23rd. I SERIOUSLY HOPE THERE'S SNOW WHEN I'M THERE ! quite excited. don't disappoint me, please! talking to xueying online now. asking her stuff about shanghai. she say it's quite cold there, 7-8 degree. got to bring more clothes! (i'm afraid of cold.) will be buying gifts for friends there! just wait for my presents.;D wondering when i'll see alethia online. quite interested to find out how she's doing in aussie. haha. hope she's having fun! ● when you're tired, regardless of the position, lying on the bed with eyes closed is comfortable! ● i love my goldfish and giant mouse. ● i dreamt of yuxi, alethia, eileen and some more people whom i can't remember. it was quite a nightmare about killing monsters. ● puzzles are quite fun/challenging. i don't know why i'm feeling kind of random. back to my routine when i wake up. [edit] facebook is pissing me off with those errors! [/edit] Tuesday, December 04, 2007 Y 7:06:00 pm we can't choose on the things that come into our lives, but we can choose on those that stay and leave. hello people, i'm back. have been a few days since i last blogged. the chalet was okokay only. not relly very fun. had to do all those shifting of things and all, because my father had an operation on his right hand, and he is the strong man who always does those hard work, so yeah, the younger ones had to do them instead! his operation was a minor one, don't worry. but it hurts a lot i guess, and is causing him a lot of inconvenience. his hand can't come into contact with water. so he had some difficulties bathing and other basic stuff like what we have to do everyday like take things, carry things, etc. anyways, more about the chalet, we had BBQ and steamboat for both nights. it's a pretty interesting occurring that those we BBQ, will end up filing their stomach at the steamboat area and vice versa. hahaha, but to me the steamboat really tasted nicer! (yeah, i'm one of those who BBQ-ed.) then most of the time you'll find the children (my cousins, brother and i) either playing TV games or mahjong. TRIED WINNING THE GIANT MOUSE BUT THE GAME STALL WASN'T THERE ALREADY.): damn sad. there aren't any photos on the chalet yet cos the camera i brought there, one of my cousins brought it along with him to msia for his basketball training. yearly chalet photos were taken by my dad and uncle, but dad didn't take, so all hopes on my uncle! will upload as soon as i get them. SORRY! don't be sad already kay? my blog song is dedicated to you. hope you can and will be as strong as ella, and get over jiu jiu soon! that song is real touching. when i heard it for the first time, i got goose bumps. thought of my goldfish for a moment. CHEER UP SOON EILEEN!:D HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUANG PO YI! :D |
colourful me 17july1991. sixteen. jurong junior college. email: Click here if you want to leave. push the button A Whole New World - Nick Pitera. hugs & kisses ♥ 林俊杰 LIN JUN JIE. Nick Pitera!! respects Mr Lee Kuan Yew.<3 my family, friends, goldfish. cameras. handphone. taking photos. the sky, nature. blue, black, white. mrbean, patrick, stars. sour stuff, honey stars. mangoes, bananas, grapes. number seventeen. sleep, my bed. wish upon the rainbow. ear holes. more clothes. new computer/laptop. bigger eyes. (seems impossible) INHERIT MY FATHER'S D-SLR. shoot ESCAPADES my facebook my friendster afina aishah aisyah alethia aniah atiqqa bee suan charis ching er christiane eileen euminl freida geraldine poh huiyun ivy jaclyn jeraldine yeo ji xiang jian wen jie ming joanne jolene yeo jovita tang joyce tan juanita junkang koonlay limei limin liyana lynn meixuan melissa teh michelle minwei nabilah nicholas pearl peifen peiling rita ruby sarah kee serena shafinah shaun sheaujyu shenting shirlyn siti sufiah veronica vicki viviana wati weikuang wenhui wenjie wenqian wenyu xiaxue xueying xulan yanlin yilin yoga zachary zhengning zhepeng zhiying into the past ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |