Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Y 11:10:00 pm ORIENTATION CAMP 02 27th - 29th February. Yeah, camp from tomorrow onwards. My family is the ELMO family. (Cos our theme is red. The teachers and those who went for camp 01 promised it to be fun if we go with a positive attitude. Am going to do so, so HOPE IT WILL BE FUN!:D Anyway, i like my literature teacher! :D MR DORE TIMOTHY JOHN. He's one fun guy! Literature is not boring with him! :D Alright i got to go continue packing and sleep early. Take care all when i'm at camp. Especially jasmine and your sore throat + flu. Sms me, anyone! When you feel like it.(: [edit] Oh yah, my tagboard is down. I don't know why. Sorry to those who want to tag (if there's any). Will get it fixed soon.X= [/edit] [edit2] It's fixed, ehh? Ahh whatever. [/edit2] Monday, February 25, 2008 Y 5:20:00 pm Hello all, am at jasmine's house now. With benjamin and chingkai. Jasmine: "yoyoyo!!! i'm jasmine muahahahaha!!!" Benjamin: "nothing to say." Ha, whatever. Chingkai is washing up the dishes. Okay, got to go now. ttyl.(: Sunday, February 24, 2008 Y 4:50:00 pm Hey, thanks best bud for that post you dedicated to me over at your private. I promise to try real hard yeah? It isn't easy, it really isn't. I hope you understand how i'm feeling. We're on the same boat right? (Lol, it's not really a good thing actually. You know what i mean, haha.) I hope we will be able to make it till the end together. We'll be able to do so, won't we?(: Love you loads too btw, my best bud. And yeah, meet up soon.(: ![]() (jas you're really freaking tall lah! though i know it's not your fault.) Thursday, February 21, 2008 Y 9:32:00 pm
talking over the phone for a long period of time = have boyfriend? change your mindset please. and that doesn't mean i won't do well and that i've to grow-up being a receptionist. fuck. sorry. Wednesday, February 20, 2008 Y 3:28:00 pm just in case for those who are wondering, and for those who they think they saw me, i'm posted to JJC, ARTS. OG 4, family 1. yeah, my blog is like rotting. last night alethia was like asking me to blog. i wanted to! but i couldn't sign in. some google thingy keep appearing instead. anyway today is the first day of school. AM SO SO SAD CAN! it's like i don't get to see my 08B9 friends, and the whole day we were like listening to talks only? i seriously miss 08B9. you might get irritated by me repeating that over and over, but i seriously miss the whole lot of them.): the fun, the laughter... sigh. ![]() you japanese-looking sister of mine. thanks for being such a great friend/sister, tolerating all my nonsense, and lending me a ear when i need to rant. you've been a great friend like seriously.(': loves.<3 ![]() you laughter-generator. thanks for all the laughter you've brought(generated), and all the stupid things you said and do. (thanks for smiling PROPERLY in this photo! :D) will miss you loads woman.(': loves.<3 ![]() you insane-wild-G-lover. you've been pretty crazy, wild and bimbotic, bringing joy and laughter to the class! will never forget the way you fill yourself up with sweet stuff. loves.<3 ![]() my dear thanks for all your crap. i know i've always been bad to you, but thanks for still being NICE to me. we know we're sarcastic, yeah we do.(; but still, seriously, thanks for the fun and laughter, and for being there for me.(: BAH.:D ![]() you quiet boy, don't be so quiet lah! only "wake-up" after 10am and hyper during games, you hard-core gamer! thanks for all the happiness you've brought though. more pool-ing over at your house soon! BAH.:D ![]() my fellow penguin mate! :D don't be sad that we're parting lah! we'll still keep in contact.(: will keep the secret we exchanged! you too kay? good luck to you in everything you do! thanks for providing me with sudoku everyday.(: BAH.:D ![]() you cute woman. stay cool, cute and funky alright? (you look great in skinnies, serious.) thanks for the fun and laughter you've brought! loves.<3 ![]() the photo we took together is so screwed and ugly? i've no choice but to put this photo up. (the photo of you in sarah's jacket.HA.) thanks for all your sacarsm and nonsense. i'll definitely remember you for putting that FRISBEE UP ON THE ROOF OF THE STADIUM. BAH.:D ![]() 2. farhana, the smiley babe. 3. nor atiqah, cool babe. 4. haris, quiet funny guy. there're still many people like aini pavan amalina adnand nurul atiqah chay boon edmund ting ting james hwee peng krithee!!!! ( i forgot to take photos with you all!!!): ) lastly... take loads of care when you're in new zeland. won't be able to meet up in the near future, but must keep in contact yeah? will miss you and sasha loads. loves.<3 my PAE was fun-filled thanks to this group of people. will seriously miss you guys loads. oh yah, aisyah say she will stay in JJC cos of me! thanks a lot babe! :D we shall enjoy JAE together alright!!! :D:D:D i love my life now.(: thank you. Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Y 11:43:00 pm meet my newest friend... ![]() i play with it whenever i'm bored in class, and "talk" to it. hahahaha. yeah yeah, if you realise, he looks a bit like... went to pool with chris, wati jas and gabriel after school today. ANYWAY, gabriel was he was late, like very late. then when he was walking towards school gate, we were like waving at him, asking him NOT TO COME INTO SCHOOL. cos it's like what for? you don't come they don't care, but late need to have detention to 6pm. but he actually thought we were waving to him, like saying HELLO TO HIM. LMAO LAH. so yah, in the end he got detention loh. okay, back to pool. it was like so so fun lah! wati's "SOLID OR LIQUID(stripe) ?" my "ber-blue", chris with her "gab's legs are warm!" and jas with her funny actions. actually that's all i've to say about it. one has to be there to understand the fun and laughter we had! i seriously don't want PAE to end. i want 08B9 to stay as a class.): Monday, February 11, 2008 Y 8:41:00 pm the past few days have been real busy for me. before that was a lot of hanging out with 08B9 peeps after school, then after which was CHINESE NEW YEAR ! this year for CNY didn't visit as much places as before. quite a few of my relatives passed away, which was quite sad. but yeah, still did enjoy myself. went over to edmund's house, eileen's house and joanne's house.. jo, sj and eileen came over too... a few of them coming over this saturday! :D visiting my house then basketball! :DDDD am very very excited lah. xD alright, here are some photos. just a rough idea bah. now to some 08B9 photos.(: aiya, all those that went ECP! amalina, aini, shikin, farhana, gabriel, chris, wati, myself, jasmine and hweepeng! gab is like the torn among the roses! i striked for the first time there lah, that bowling alley. the feeling was like "WOOHOO!" actually there's a lot a lot more photos to be uploaded. but i'm lazy and super tired now. shall do it together with the photos i'm going to take on saturday. (don't promise, but i'll try to do so by sunday...) i don't want PAE to end. i'll miss 08B9, BADLY.): anyway this post is for wati. as in she asked me to update that's why i'm here. HEE! :D saturday saturday saturday.. !!! Sunday, February 03, 2008 Y 12:42:00 am i think i forgot to blog about this but MY UNCLE AND FAMILY IS COMING OVER FROM SHANGHAI. which means, I GET TO SEE ELIZABETH AND ALL! :DDDDD yah, am going to airport to fetch them NOW. yes, 12.45am and i'm going now. hehe, EXCITED! :D and i forgot to include this in the post last night. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTAINE! :D you're forever away from msn.): those who can, go over to private. updated. Saturday, February 02, 2008 Y 12:20:00 am
anyway, here's a sentences quoted from wati. "FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, i think i'm getting older. lmao, if she's old, i aren't any younger. pictures some other day. super sleepy now. Friday, February 01, 2008 Y 12:00:00 am HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERZAWATI. :DDD see see, 12am kay. stay up till so late just to blog/sms you, trying to be the first. fought with sleepiness for 4 freaking hours! if i get pimples and dark rings, I SHALL LOOK FOR YOU!!!! lol. hope the class outing + birthdays' celebration will be fun!:D am so excited!!! may all your wishes come true, things go well for you, and that we keep in contact! :D |
colourful me 17july1991. sixteen. jurong junior college. email: frostedmoments@hotmail.com Click here if you want to leave. push the button A Whole New World - Nick Pitera. hugs & kisses ♥ 林俊杰 LIN JUN JIE. Nick Pitera!! respects Mr Lee Kuan Yew.<3 my family, friends, goldfish. cameras. handphone. taking photos. the sky, nature. blue, black, white. mrbean, patrick, stars. sour stuff, honey stars. mangoes, bananas, grapes. number seventeen. sleep, my bed. wish upon the rainbow. ear holes. more clothes. new computer/laptop. bigger eyes. (seems impossible) INHERIT MY FATHER'S D-SLR. shoot ESCAPADES my facebook my friendster afina aishah aisyah alethia aniah atiqqa bee suan charis ching er christiane eileen euminl freida geraldine poh huiyun ivy jaclyn jeraldine yeo ji xiang jian wen jie ming joanne jolene yeo jovita tang joyce tan juanita junkang koonlay limei limin liyana lynn meixuan melissa teh michelle minwei nabilah nicholas pearl peifen peiling rita ruby sarah kee serena shafinah shaun sheaujyu shenting shirlyn siti sufiah veronica vicki viviana wati weikuang wenhui wenjie wenqian wenyu xiaxue xueying xulan yanlin yilin yoga zachary zhengning zhepeng zhiying into the past ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |